
719342902The modern world places tremendous demands on us.

And we meet those demands with brains that evolved to keep us safe from danger by fighting or fleeing.

Now, the same brain that evolved to keep us safe from physical harm faces new threats: graduating college, finding and keeping a job, paying bills, making friends, and dating.

Our brains perceive the challenges of these life tasks much the same as when faced with life-threatening danger.

How many times each day do the “threats” of the modern world cause the uncomfortable feeling of anxiety?

1363683869The constant anxiety you face takes its toll.

The thoughts constantly swirlng in your head about what you’re doing, what might happen, what you should do next, how you should do it, and why you are doing it wear you down.

Well, even though I hate my job, I shouldn’t look for a new one because what if it’s worse?

I’m not going to ask them out because what if they say no?

What if this project I’m working so hard on turns out terribly?

These anxious thoughts keep you from taking action that can ultimately get you where you want to be. You get so used to the anxiety that you automatically stay in your comfort zone.

These anxious thoughts take up valuable space in your brain that could be used to focus more on the things that are important to you. You probably have moments where you wonder how you ended up in this frustrating situation, only to realize you let your anxiety keep you from taking the actions needed to thrive.

Even worse, being in that constant state of anxiety negatively impacts your physical health, creating issues that generate even more stress.

730755790Anxiety doesn’t have to control your life.

Together, we will work to understand the roots of your anxiety and how it’s holding you back.

I will teach you strategies to counter your anxious thinking and stop it from influencing your behavior.

You will learn skills to reduce your anxiety in the moment through breathing, self-soothing, and focusing techniques.

We will develop a plan for you to create new habits, such as exercise and meditation, that will reduce your vulnerability to anxiety.

Over time, you will learn to harness your anxiety to help you navigate difficult situations and recognize that getting out of your comfort zone will help you grow.

The ever-present dark cloud of anxiety hanging over you will become a passing rain cloud that no longer blocks you from your hopes and dreams.

Get the relief you deserve!

Imagine what it would be like not to be controlled by your anxiety. You can escape your comfort zone and become confident in new challenges.

Developing a healthy relationship with stress and anxiety will allow you to stop holding yourself back and flourish!

Call me at (914) 202-3431 for a free 30-minute consultation.

I want to hear about your experience with anxiety, and you can ask me any questions about what our work would look like. Together, we can determine if I’m the right person to help you.