Individual Therapy

584518966You’ve already overcome obstacles.

You’ve already made changes.

Whether you recognize it or not, you have numerous strengths that you’ve used throughout your life to help you achieve amazing things.

But, for whatever reason, now you’re stuck. As the demands on you have increased, it’s been more difficult to feel like you’re taking care of everything you need to.

The challenges you face add up and cause you to feel depleted. You don’t have the energy to address the areas in your life that need to be taken care of.

You try to focus more on your family, but your work performance suffers. You spend more time and effort at work but stop caring for yourself, and your health suffers.

Each day becomes a cycle of just trying to survive.

1320372614The downward spiral…

You are at this point in your life for an incalculable number of reasons.

Family, environmental factors, genetic factors, and even randomness have influenced your decisions and actions throughout your life, bringing you to this moment.

You’ve learned ways to navigate through your life, but you and things around you change. Habits develop that make it harder for you to take care of what needs tending to.

If you keep up the cycle of sacrificing areas of your life to support others, things will slip through the cracks. And whatever does slip through the cracks will cause you pain. Then you’ll want to do something to feel better quickly but ultimately make things worse.

Time and time again, I see how easily people, including myself, can get knocked off the path they want for themselves.

Once stable relationships become fragile.

The satisfying job becomes a nightmare.

The exercise routine you were so good about stops, and your body starts to deteriorate.

2130711482Individual therapy is your opportunity to put yourself front and center.

You do a lot for the people in your life, but now it’s time to focus on you. Investing in and working on yourself will pay you numerous dividends in the future.

I learned early in this work to meet clients where they are. Together, we can understand your history.

Understand the factors that have led you to this moment…

We will explore your experiences and challenges and how you responded to them. We will understand the goals you’ve set for yourself and how you’ve been progressing toward those goals.

Identify the things that have kept you from achieving your potential…

We will take an inventory of your strengths and how you’ve used them, as well as your weaknesses and how they’ve held you back. We will uncover any experiences that have changed how you view yourself and contributed to your struggles. We will discuss your values and whether you’re living according to them or contrary to them.

Learn ways to overcome challenges in the future…

I will teach you to set goals in a way they are achievable. We will identify potential obstacles to your goals and develop plans to address them. We will review your progress and make adjustments to keep you moving forward.

I will teach you habit-forming strategies to develop systems in your life that support you and help you achieve your goals. You will learn coping strategies to tolerate the distress that can come from the challenges and failures that arise when you’re striving for something important to you.

Don’t you owe it to yourself to not just survive but to thrive?

Call me at (914) 202-3431. I offer every potential client a free 30-minute consultation.

We will discuss your challenges and whether I can help you. I’ll answer any questions you might have about myself and my approach, as well as mental health counseling in general.

I’ll happily provide you with an array of options and resources that might be useful whether or not we decide to work together.