Living with Chronic Health Issues

1261180915No one understands what it’s like…

… to no longer be the person you once were.

Work, relationships, family, chores, recreation… when you have a chronic health condition, the physical and emotional pain makes it all more difficult.

Plus, your energy’s drained.

And then, the anxiety of an uncertain future weighs you down like an anchor.

You work hard to push through and not disappoint your friends and family, but your limitations are undeniable. It’s so disappointing to know you can’t do more.

Navigating the healthcare system can feel impossible.

You have to spend significant amounts of your already limited energy on getting to appointments and receiving treatment. Taking care of yourself feels like a full-time job.

And it seems like every time you get in a groove and things start working, another curveball is thrown your way. The challenges you face keep you from doing all the things that keep us happy.

It doesn’t take much for the downward spiral to begin. This is exactly why feelings of anxiety and depression are so common for people with chronic health conditions.

696188545I’ve been where you are and can help.

I’ll share with you all the strategies I’ve learned over the past 13 years while navigating my chronic health issue to help you face your challenges.

First, it’s important to understand where you are on your journey. Receiving a life-changing diagnosis causes a drastic shift in your identity. It’s a loss that must be grieved before reaching a place of acceptance. I will support you through this process.

But even when you reach acceptance, there are many challenging moments. The ups and downs of living with a chronic health condition will always be there. Together, we will practice strategies to help you cope with any physical or emotional pain you are experiencing. These strategies will maximize your energy so you can spend it on the important things in life.

Clarifying what those important things are and figuring out how to engage with them while dealing with your health issues is another area we will focus on. Coping with chronic conditions takes up so much space in your mind and life. You need a place to vent your frustrations and figure out your next move.

Connect with someone who understands and cares.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned through my journey with chronic illness is not to do it alone. It’s far too great of a burden for any person to carry. Let me help you to lighten that load. Our work together will allow you to vent about whatever you need to get off your chest and figure out how to make things better.

Everyone’s experience with chronic illness is unique. Call me at (914) 202-3431 for a free 30-minute consultation and start telling me your story.

I want to hear from you. I will answer your questions and tell you more about my approach. Hopefully, I can be the support you need.